An excursion to the Botanical Gardens in Zurich … that was not meant to be …!

In case you had enough of reading and seeing pictures of the plants on my balcony, let me share instead on the excursions that the hubby and I did recently.

We had bought some discounted day travel cards more than a month ago but did not have the opportunity to use them earlier. However, as the cards had to be used by 8 May, the hubby and I therefore had to scramble quickly at the last minute to try and make some plans for trips within Switzerland in order to make use of the cards.

The initial plan was of course to go somewhere far … maybe close to the German or Italian border … in order to get as much worth as possible out of the day cards. But since such trips would take several hours and best done by sleeping overnight, we decided to drop the idea lah. Instead, we ended up doing what I enjoy best. Since the hubby knew that this wife of his lurveees flowers and plants, so he suggested using the cards to visit parks and botanical gardens in other Swiss cities! Awww … so kind of him. Anyway … spring is synonym with flowers and the like after all … so it made sense to use the card to enjoy such spring beauty, no? 😀

So we flitted from one city to another during the last weekend, visiting Zurich on Saturday and Fribourg on Sunday … and we even set some time to stop by the small town of Morges after visiting Fribourg to enjoy the Tulip Festival that is currently being held in Morges until the middle of May.

And even though the weather during the weekend was not ideal … both the hubby and I enjoyed our little excursions very much.


The green landscape as we took the train to Zurich on Saturday 4 May. The last time we took a train ride through the German-speaking part of Switzerland was in the middle of February when we went to see the Basel Fasnacht (which I have yet to share!).


The landscape at that time was definitely quite different from this. After the long winter spell, it was nice to see so much green along the way. As soon as we arrived in Zurich, we tried to find our way to the Botanical Gardens.


But I could not resist stopping for a few minutes to take several shots of this colourful and pretty scene located just behind a tram station at Kirche St. Jakob am Stauffacher.

SAM_2327.ASo very ‘spring’, do you not think so? 😀


We later arrived here … not the Botanical Gardens … but a park which the hubby had believed to be near the vicinity of the Botanical Gardens. And since we were already there, we decided that we might as well take a look around the park before looking for the Botanical Gardens. Anyway, I was quite excited when I saw wild garlic plants growing in abundance in this park. Those green plants on the left of the walking path … they are not grasses … but are wild garlic plants!

Wild garlics

Lots of wild garlic plants … which unfortunately, had not fully bloom yet (top pictures). And on the right side of the walking path, the slope were filled with these small white wildflowers.

I stopped for several minutes here to take photos of the wild garlic … and I did so again … and again … when I saw more of the wild garlic plants as we walked through the park! Yes … I know, I am behaving like a ‘jakun‘ who had never seen wild garlic …but this is my first year getting to know this wild plant, and so I get easily excited each time I spotted them lah! hehehe 😀


The park, called Rieterpark in German, covers some  67,000-square metres (source: museum’s website) spread across slopes and flat terrain. Although it was a Saturday, there were not that many people walking in the park. The chilly and grey weather must have been the reason.


I persuaded the hubby to go and have closer look at these magnolia trees. It was too bad that the flowers were already coming towards the end of their blooming cycle … but … from far, they still look quite impressive.


And imagine how excited I was when I saw more of these wild garlic plants growing underneath the magnolia trees! I was very tempted to pick some of the leaves to bring back home … but felt a little stupid wanting to do so since I already have a pot of wild garlic plants growing on my balcony! Not only a ‘jakun’ … I am even being a little ‘kiasu‘! hehehe …

Magnolias and wild garlics

We made another stop near another magnolia trees … which had lost even more of their blossoms. And again under these magnolia trees, I saw lots of wild garlic plants growing! So … of course, I took more photos of them and of their dainty white flowers! 🙂


After being reminded by the hubby that we should start moving along in order to have enough time to get to the Botanical Gardens later … we continued with our walk through the park.


The hubby was already heading towards the end of this rows of trees by the time I finished with taking photos of the wild garlic plants under the magnolia trees.


Such beautiful spring colour in the park. The hubby had run in this park before … when he was working in Zurich a few years ago … so he knew what would be at the other end of the row of trees.


So when I caught up with him, he was already busy taking photos of the panorama that could be seen from the viewpoint here.

SAM_2443.AHmmm … so we could actually see Lake Zurich and the other side of the city from here! Very nice!


Looking towards the end of part of Lake Zurich and towards the cantons of Schwyz, Sankt-Gallen, Appenzell and Glarus.


There is also a museum in the park. Although the hubby was keen to take a look, I was not. So we gave it a miss and after making a short toilet stop … decided to make our way to the Botanical Gardens. But on our way to find the toilets which were located near the museum … I saw more wild garlic plants sprouting from the edge of the pavement along the way!

Wild garlic flowers

And it was while snapping photos of the wild garlic flowers here that I noticed … that inside each flower bud, there were several small flowers … so that when the flowers would be in full bloom, the single bud would become a cluster of flowers. Interesting! 🙂 But magnolias and wild garlic flowers are not the only flowers that I took photos of while in the park.

Spring flowers

I also snapped the photos of the flowers above.


And as we were making our way to the tram station to catch the tram to the Botanical Gardens … which were actually quite a distance away (as the hubby had found out after looking for them on his street map) and not at all near the vicinity of the Rieterpark

Flowering t ree

… my attention was caught by these pretty flowers growing from the main trunk of this tree! So cute and interesting! And there were a few of these trees growing along that stretch leading to the tram station for the Rietberg Museum on Seestrasse.


We then arrived here … after asking for direction from an old man that we came across near a traffic light. Err … this was not the Botanical Gardens either … but was just another very small park in front of a church (Neumünsterkirche at Riesbach)! Ish, ish, ish … So we returned to the junction where we came from and then took a different turn.

SAM_2505.AAnd after walking for a bit, including a nice area by a stream (Hornbach) … we the saw the Botanical Gardens sign! Hurray we found the garden !!!!

SAM_2507.AUnfortunately, before we could enter the gardens … we were told by people who were coming out that they had been sent out as the gardens were already closed. Oh no … it seemed that we were 10 minutes too late … to even step into the gardens for a quick look! Haizzzz …


So after one last look at the gardens from outside, we left and made our way to Zurich central train station to go back home to Lausanne. But …


… not before making a slight detour to the beginning of Neumünsterstrasse so that I could take some photos of this interesting garden that I saw as we were taking the bus to the Botanical Gardens. Interesting huh? 🙂


And since we still had a bit of time to kill before catching our train, the hubby suggested we got off at Bahnhofstrasse and then head towards Bürkiplatz to enjoy a bit of the lakeside atmosphere … which is what we did!

View of Lake Zurich

Just a few shots of lake Zurich and of the city taken from the ZSG jetty at Bürkiplatz. The bottom right shot showing the spires of the cathedral of Zurich. I must admit that the more I go to Zurich, the more I get to like this city. And since I did not get to visit the Botanical Garden, I suppose this means that we just have to come back here again lah! 😀

Other entries on Zurich

13 thoughts on “An excursion to the Botanical Gardens in Zurich … that was not meant to be …!

  1. Samalah kita. I rasa kalau I ada tanah, penuh satu kawasan dengan tanaman! Sebab tu I selalu bilang Paul, kalau satu hari nanti dapat beli rumah sendiri, I tak nak rumah yang kawasan luar luas macam rumah parents dia. Takkan terlarat nak kerjakan …sebab sudah pasti I nak penuhkan satu kawasan tu! Nak tanam tak susah, nak menjaganya tanaman tu nanti yang parah! hehehe …


  2. Terima kasih yang tak terhingga atas panduan penanaman chives. Insyallah akan saya praktikkan, ada baki 6 biji benih lagi saya simpan dalam fridge. Betul kata you tu, tanam apa yang kita suka makan. Saya suka tanam jagung dan labu, sebab keduanya adalah kegemaran saya dan boleh dipelbagaikan cara memasaknya. Pokok-pokok lain tu tanam sebagai sampingan, hobi bertanam ni macam dah jadi ketagihan dan tak boleh nak dihentikan. Nampak saja tanah, ada saja yang nak ditanam.

    Oh ya…saya ada terbaca bunga chives boleh dibuat cuka untuk dijadikan ‘dressing’ salad…unik juga kan !


  3. Ros, salah satu dari buku gardening yang si Paul belikan I (yang menjadi bahan rujukan tiap kali musim ber’garden’ tiba :)) ada mengatakan, kalau tanah kita tak besar tapi kita ingin nak cuba2 tanam sayur dan sebagainya, sebaiknya tanam sesuatu yang kat kedai tak ada jual. Sebab kalau tidak, kita tak akan pernah dapat merasa! Ataupun, tanamlah sesuatu yang sememangnya kita suka sekali makan.
    Sebab tu, I lebih gemar menanam sesuatu yang memang kat supermarket susah nak dapat dan juga sayuran dan herba dari negara kita. Tak cuba tak tahu. Dan walaupun ianya mungkin mati, sekali, dua kali … tak semesti akan mati ketiga kali. Yang penting, kita belajar dari kesilapan kita. Tapi kalau dah berkali2 tanam, tetap mati atau tak tumbuh, itu memang maknanya kirim salam aje lah! hehehe …
    Daun dan bunga garlic boleh dimakan. Yes, you boleh hiris2kan dan taruh dalam roti kalau you nak. Atau taruh dalam sop ke, telur dadar ke. Ikut selera masing2!
    Oh ya, semalam I ada terbaca dlm my gardening book bahawa biji chives memerlukan suhu sejuk untuk ‘germinate’. Jadi disarankan agar biji chives diletakkan dalam fridge sebelum disemai. You cubalah.


  4. CT, cadangan you itu buat saya lebih bersemangat untuk mempelbagaikan koleksi tanaman, malangnya kat sini rasanya susah nak jumpa benih tu semua. Nanti saya cuba cari di ‘kedai’ benih blogger. Suami saya geleng kepala tengok ‘kegigihan’ saya mengumpul dan menanam koleksi benih tumbuhan yang biasanya ditanam di luar negara. Saya pun ada tanam garlic, tak sangka boleh hidup, adakah daunnya boleh dicampur dalam adunan roti? Sekarang ni tunggu perkembangan benih chives yang yang you beri, dah disemai 2 minggu lalu….


  5. Insyaallah Kak Maz, kami doakan!
    Compost I tahun ni banyak benih tomato yang tumbuh sebab I letakkan buah tomato yang dah kering kat pokok ke dalam compost! Rupanya, bji-biji tomato tu semua bertunas bila cuaca mula panas. Habis compost I penuh dengan benih tomato! Dah lah masa tu I terpaksa buangkan sisa2 carrot tops yang bertunas, sekarang tomato pulak!
    Dan bila I gunakan compost pada permulaan spring untuk campur dengan tanah dari tahun lepas untuk semai biji carrots … pasu carrots pun penuh dengan benih tomato juga! Mula2 I ingatkan benih carrots dah tumbuh, tapi bila dah tumbuh ‘true leaves’, rupanya tomato! Alamak, satu kerja nak kena keluarkan benih2 tomato without disturbing benih carrots yang baru nak bertunas! haizz… Satu pengajaran sungguh. Untuk tahun ni, I akan taruh cuma sayuran2 yang tak berbuah aje ke dalam compost! Serik!


  6. Ros, chives dengan kucai memang adik beradik. Tapi kalau nak lagi serupa … kira kembar si chiveslah … you semailah benih bawang. Sebagusnya bawang yang warna putih. I tengok bentuk daun kedua2nya serupa. Yang beza cuma saiznya. Hari tu I gunakan bawang putih (yang warna putih, bukan garlic tau!) dan daunnya untuk buat omelette dan juga untuk goreng sayur kacang pendek. Dan instead of garam, I pakai vegetable stock (yang beli kat kedai) untuk perasa … sebab dah tak stock udang kering. Sedap pulak! 🙂


  7. Ros and CT thanks. Insyaallah I do hope my health will be back to normal.
    I have composed most of my old tanah since boleh berkebun now. Just waiting
    another week or 2 to re-pot all those peppers. Its nikmat bila boleh tunduk kepala dan berkebun.
    Ros, insyaallah, one day we will meet. You pun buat roti. It’s like therapy for me if I meroti. I have successfully, after few failures, made my own starter (yis asli). Try it, roti lebih kenyal dan bau sangat sedap dari commerial yis.


  8. Salam takziah juga dari saya kepada Kak Maz, walaupun kita tak kenal. Kalau you nak tau CT, saya pun serupa jakun juga bila tengok wild garlic tu tumbuh melata, gerammm sangat. Punyalah lama nak tunggu benih chives tu tumbuh sebab teragak nak buat roti chives, akhirnya malam tadi saya buat juga roti tapi letak daun kuchai je….kira-kira adik beradik chives juga lah…hehehe


  9. Salam Kak Maz,
    Thank you for the updates on the seeds that I sent you, that was kind. Well done and congrats on those that have germinated! Yang tidak, tak pe boleh try semai sekali lagi. Tahun ni I tak tanam tomato Andes (so cannot tell how long it will take to sprout) sebab dah terbeli banyak benih tomato yang lain, so kena cuba tanam yang lain dulu.
    Paul and I are so sorry to hear of the passing of your MIL. Salam takziah untuk you dan Abang Azmi dari kami. But I am very happy to hear that your health are very much improved now. I doakan semuga you akan sembuh sepenuhnya tak lama lagi, insyaallah. You take care good care of yourself, ok … dan selamat berkebun to you too.
    The post on Morges Tulip Festival is coming up … after I have shared on Fribourg, so wait for it!


  10. Salam CT, it’s been a while Kak Maz tak singgah sini. As usual yr photos are just beautiful and and amazing. Yes, those garlic plants are like darlings. Akak will be more jakun dari u!!
    Updates on those seeds you gave. I semai half of them. The one with tiger name has survived! It’s about 12 inc high now. The other one aendes (mcm nyamuk pulak) is about 6 inc high. and the pepper all survived!! I am like proud of myself cos amidst all these semaian, my health went a bit off, we saw the passing off Azmi’s mum in our house, after she came to stay with us for just 4. days. The weather had been really hot and then heavy rain in the afternoons. The other seeds did not survived. I will try again when the weather is a bit gentle, insyaallah. I am much better now, alhamdullillah. You take care and happy gardening. Please post the St Morges tulips this year.


  11. Pingback: An afternoon in Zurich to … enjoy the spring | à la mode de chez nous

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