My little garden friend is back…

Yesterday as I was walking past the field near our place from the métro station, I happened to catch sight of a little friend, which I have been looking for … ever since spring started.

So without wasting any time I decided to adopt it and bring it home … so that it could help … ooopss, I mean so that it could stay in my garden. 😉

I had seen some aphids among a few of my plants, so I thought it would not go hungry there. 

Unfortunately, while I was trying to take some lovely snapshots of my new little friend in its new home, it suddenly flew … and I could not see it any more! ‘Oh no … this particular ladybird doesn’t like its new home’, I thought. ‘Well … I will just have to try find others and adopt them lah’, I said to myself.

But when I was outside on my balcony this morning, I suddenly caught sight of it hidden behind the pot of chives.

It was climbing the plastic pot of potatoes. How nice … it is still in the garden! 🙂

So, I decided to put it among the growing salads where I know aphids love to reside from what I observed last year … so that it could have a go at them for breakfast. And since I know it will be lonely, I will have to try and look for some company for it lah. Hopefully, I will see a few more ladybirds in the fields nearby and bring them back home.

And this … is just one of the ways I have found to battle unwanted visitors to my garden! I shall share more tips in a future entry.

6 thoughts on “My little garden friend is back…

  1. Well, if after a couple of weeks, the pair will have been joined by some little ladybirds, then we will know that it was not two boys or two girls 😉
    The hubby


  2. Maybe….maybe not…!..we should find a way to know which is the hubby or wife….huhuhu…i am only joking…


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